Underground Explorers
Press coverage around SPUN and mycorrhizal fungal networks.
A mosaic of the ectomycorrhizal diversity in the biogeographical Chocó region

Jaime Andrés Duque Barbosa
1) Colombia, departamento del Chocó, municipio de Nuqui, corregimiento Coqui. 2) Colombia, departamento del Chocó, municipio de Capurgana
project abstract
The biogeographical Chocó region of Colombia is considered one of the hotspots of global biodiversity; however, it remains an under-sampled area. It is under high threat from several anthropic actions, such as extraction of timber plants without appropriate management plans, mining and the expansion of agricultural borders. For these reasons, it is necessary to increase knowledge of the area that can be used in strategies for conservation plans and the sustainable use of the resources of this region. Our objective is to study ectomycorrhizal fungi at two locations in the Chocó Department; one in the Tropical Moist and Rain Forest of the Nuquí municipality under the climate influences of the Pacific Ocean, and the other in the Tropical Moist Forest of the Capurganá bay under the climate influences of the Caribbean Sea. At both locations, we will work directly with the local communities and the region’s environmental leaders strengthening advocacy for conservation and understanding of the fungal diversity of this biogeographical zone so that the communities can take ownership of their fungal resources and use them appropriately. Additionally, information will be shared for use in future research on biodiversity, systematics, biogeography, ecological restoration, or even as foundation for the discovery of new species.
Photo by Michael Lechner on Unsplash