Underground Explorers
Press coverage around SPUN and mycorrhizal fungal networks.
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agroecosystems established in Andisol soils of Caldas, Colombia

Marcelo Betancur Agudelo
Departamento de Caldas, Colombia
project abstract
The project Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agroecosystems established in Andisol soils of the department of Caldas, Colombia, explores soils from coffee farms in three municipalities with volcanic soils; Working together with the coffee growers who own the farms and university students, it is expected, in addition to knowing the diversity of mycorrhizae with metabarcording techniques, it is expected to see how AMF can relate to the availability of phosphorus in these agroecosystems, which are known for their high fixation and high expenses on fertilizer inputs.