Key takeaways
1. Reduce Soil Disturbance
2. Plant a Diverse Range of Species
3. Avoid Overuse of Fertilizers and Chemicals
4. Incorporate Organic Matter
Mycorrhizal fungi play a crucial role in soil health and plant growth. As we discover how they contribute to life above- and below-ground, more and more people are interested in working with mycorrhizal fungi in their own fields and gardens.
What are mycorrhizal fungi? Mycorrhiza (also spelled as mycorrhizae or mycorrhizas) means "fungus-root". It refers to the symbiotic relationship formed between plant roots and a beneficial belowground, network-forming fungus. Mycorrhizal fungi enhance nutrient uptake, water absorption, and overall plant health. To derive all these benefits, we need to encourage their growth.
In this article we answer two essential questions:
1. What are the benefits of mycorrhizal fungi?
2. How can you improve or increase their presence?
If you're looking to boost your garden's productivity or improve agricultural yields, understanding how to increase mycorrhizal fungi in your soil is essential. In this guide, we'll explore effective strategies to enhance the benefits of these vital soil microorganisms.
Understanding Mycorrhizal Fungi
Mycorrhizal fungi are naturally occurring soil organisms that connect with plant roots. There are two main types: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (also known as AMF or AM fungi) and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EcM fungi). Most plants, including crops, grasses, and trees, benefit from these fungi. This article is about the benefits of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi which partner with garden plants, crops, and house plants, as opposed to ectomycorrhizal fungi which partner mainly with trees.

Why care about mycorrhizal fungi?
The good news is that mycorrhizal fungi are already in the soil. By encouraging their growth, you can reap multiple benefits.
1. Bigger, healthier plants
2. Increased nutrient uptake from the soil with the help of fungi. Plants can get up to 80% of their phosphorus from mycorrhizal fungi
3. More stable and productive soil. Mycorrhizal fungi help create sticky soil aggregates. Aggregates are important for creating more organic matter.
4. Fungi help plants make bigger and sweeter flowers, which in turn encourages pollination
5. The hyphal network (mycelium) holds soil together for increased structure, water retention, and nutrient retention. Without aggregation, the soil doesn't hold together and will erode. As a result, soil nutrients are lost and the soil can become a less productive environment.
6. Soils with healthy networks experience less leaching (loss) of nutrients. Healthy networks decrease the amount of nutrients leached out of the soil by rainfall by as much as 50%.
7. Better nutrient uptake also means resistance to pathogens and insects, blight, mold, mildew, etc. This also includes abiotic stresses such as shortages of water, or high salinity.
When fungi colonize the roots they boost the systemic plant resistance. This is like a boost in the immune system that makes them more resistant to pathogens.
7. Help fight climate change and global warming because these networks help draw carbon below ground.
Encourage mycorrhizal fungi and increase the health of soil and garden with these simple techniques.
You can encourage mycorrhizal fungi with a few simple management strategies which we explain here.
1. Reduce tilling. The majority of mycorrhizal material exists in the top 10-15 cm of soil. It’s best to avoid activity that could physically sever these networks. Some studies show that conventional tillage can decrease AM fungal diversity by up to 40%. Therefore, disturb the topsoil as little as possible.
2. Leave a layer of organic matter on top of the soil. This applies to both garden and orchard management. Leaves, for example, are organic matter. It only takes a month for them to decay and contribute to soil organic matter. More varied debris aboveground results in a healthier community belowground. In orchards, you do not need to get rid of smaller plants, they are not competing for nutrients, and actually contribute to overall health.
3. Use native plants. Native plants will encourage native fungi. The best garden is a natural garden with local, endemic wildflowers and plants. These will help encourage native fungal networks. Native plants are also good for pollinators.
4. Don’t leave the soil bare. Mycorrhizal fungi need plant partners to survive. This means you should never leave the soil naked. Cover crops are a great technique especially for perennial plants. There can be a 40% reduction in fungal abundance after leaving the land fallow (unplanted) for even one season. Encourage the already present natural plants and flora. Don’t leave the soil unplanted for long periods of time – or at all, if possible.
5. Add organic matter in slow-decomposing forms; manure, compost material, etc, which all decomposes and provides the system with nutrients. Mycorrhizal fungi love organic matter. Avoid high-input chemical fertilizers and avoid fungicides.
6. Mixed plant cultures are very good for soil because of the many different components which then boost soil and the mycorrhizal community.
7. Know your plants: Some plants do not form associations with mycorrhizal fungi, like plants in the mustard family (broccoli, cabbage, etc).
Best Practices for Maintaining Mycorrhizal Fungi
Monitor Soil Health
Regularly test your soil to ensure it remains conducive to mycorrhizal growth. Soil tests can identify nutrient deficiencies, pH imbalances, and other factors that might affect fungal populations. Adjust your soil management practices based on these findings to maintain a healthy environment for mycorrhizae.
Rotate Crops or Use Plant Mixtures
Crop rotation is a valuable practice for maintaining mycorrhizal fungi. Different plants benefit different types of fungi, and rotating crops can help sustain diverse fungal communities. This practice also reduces the risk of soil-borne diseases and pest buildup.
Practice Sustainable Water Management
Proper irrigation is crucial for mycorrhizal fungi. Overwatering can lead to waterlogged soils, which are detrimental to fungi, while underwatering can stress plants and reduce fungal activity. Implement efficient watering practices that provide consistent moisture without saturating the soil.
Increasing mycorrhizal fungi in your soil is a sustainable approach to enhancing plant growth and soil health. By reducing soil disturbance, planting diverse species, using mycorrhizal inoculants, and incorporating organic matter, you can foster a thriving mycorrhizal community. Remember to monitor soil health, rotate crops, and manage water sustainably to maintain the benefits of these essential soil organisms. With these strategies, you can achieve healthier, more productive plants and a more resilient soil ecosystem.
The amazing aspect of this system is that these mechanisms are already in place, and have been developing for hundreds of millions of years. The mycorrhizal fungi populations are already present. All you have to do is encourage their growth and health.