Underground Explorers
Press coverage around SPUN and mycorrhizal fungal networks.
Fungal diversity in Amazon coastal ecosystems

Silvia Fernanda Mardegan
mangroves and sand coastal plains (restingas) from Northeastern Amazon, State of Pará, Brazil
project abstract
The Amazon basin ranges from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of the most diverse biomes in the world and encompasses a series of ecosystems and vegetation types. The Amazon coastline is influenced by the Amazon River and its drainage basin, hosting about 85% of the mangroves and 35% of the sandy coastal plains (‘restingas’) of Brazil. Mangroves and restingas thrive under several limiting environmental factors and provide many ecosystem services, including recreation and tourism, soil protection, carbon sequestration, and nutrient cycling. They are also home to indigenous communities that have a deep connection with them. As these coastal ecosystems develop under unique environmental conditions, they are critically fragile and sensitive to human disturbances. The aim of this project is to identify the molecular diversity of the fungal community and its potential functional role in mangroves and restingas from Northeast Amazon. We also aim to identify indicator species or functional groups associated with their specific soil conditions, to support conservation and rehabilitation projects. The analysis of fungal diversity will allow us to understand the aspects that contribute to mangrove and restinga maintenance, tolerance, and even their resilience in the face of emerging environmental changes.
Photo by Ivars Utināns on Unsplash